Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Closer Look at a Selection of Photos from the Press & Guide March 30, 2011

Photos by Millard Berry from the Press & Guide are for sale as reprints through a link on the website:         

Pup “ZeeZee” gives a warm greeting to members of his new family, Kelly and Jason Davis, at PetSmart March 6 as part of a Michigan Humane Society Adoption Event.

Mackenzie Guinn and Faith Redding with dad Dan enthusiastically volunteer for a contest proposed by the DJ at the annual Daddy Daughter Dance March 19 at the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center. The Dearborn Recreation Department sponsored the affair which was sold out even though there were two separate soirees. This year’s theme was “New York New York” and the event was open to dads (or granddads) and girls under 12.

Chris and three-year-old Isabella Mick wait for the next number to begin at the dance.

Girls react to the sight of the chocolate fountain as they await their turn for the gooey treat at the dance.

Alana Nowlan, with sister Mila, seems surprised by the sudden inflation of the balloon sculpture offered by Jannie Annie at the Dearborn Heights Montessori Taste of the Town March 24. Teachers, parents and students created the program of food and presentations by local businesses. Proceeds will help fund the upper elementary travels.

The season came to an end at the regional level recently for Leah Dong and the rest of the Edsel Ford Gymnastics team.
Photos by Millard Berry

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